Friday, January 16, 2009

battlestar galactica

Tonight. It's finally here!

Short blog this evening, because the greatest program ever to be televised begins the final episodes this evening.

If you don't watch Battlestar Galactica, you should. If you've never heard of Battlestar Galactica, you should seriously consider a psychiatric evaluation. I'm not talking about the old hokey Battlestar Galactica, I mean the new one with hot chicks, amazing plot, great and memorable characters. I don't care if you like science fiction; my girlfriend (a self-proclaimed hater of science fiction) introduced me to Battlestar as her favorite show.

I got into it after watching ten minutes of the first episode. I watched Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD, then started watching in real time for Season 3 and the first half of season 4.

The final episodes of Season 4 begin tonight. Tonight. The Cylons are gonna have their day tonight! The humans are gonna get their way tonight!

I'm so excited I quite literally get shaky just sitting here thinking about it. The last episode (previously aired) is on as I type, and the next, unaired episode starts in 40 minutes! The beginning of the end!

Is anyone else as excited as me, for anything on T.V. this spring?


David Ferrell said...

I'm excited about Smallville, as it may be it's last season. I don't get Sci-Fi, so I've never gotten into Battlestar Galactica. Keep rocking out. And oh! I have a blog too:

Babbling Brooke said...

I know people who are just addicted! Personally, I don't get it but for each his own! In any case, I hope the finale was all you had hope for!

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited about Battlestar Galactica (of course), 24, LOST, American Idol, and Heroes! So many good shows, it's hard to keep up!