Friday, January 30, 2009

old music

I love rock music (can I get a wit-ness). I've loved rock music for a long time, at least relative to how long I've been alive.

My tastes have changed over the years, sometimes favoring much heavier rock, sometimes more artsy, musician-oriented rock, sometimes more electronic, hip-hop flavored rock.

Recently, I've started to listen to some stuff that I was into in like, middle school. For the most part, I still like most of it. However, there are quite a few moments where I think, "Um, did I really used to listen to this that much?"

Any of those moments for you lately?


Rob said...

One word...Carmen. I used to love Carmen. Whenever I hear him I think what was I thinking.

mikedominice said...

Oh yes, I too am a Carman child.

Anonymous said...

Carmen! Yes! I definitely went to some concerts. Whatever happened to him?

Brian Miller said...

uhhh...yeah...anyway, cracked up some early Pearl Jam the other day, just for kicks.