Saturday, January 10, 2009

allergies and new tv shows

Spring is my favorite and least favorite time of the year.

It is my least favorite because allergy season begins. I didn't have allergies before I moved to the South, but ever since I lived in South Carolina and here in Virginia, I have enjoyed my sinuses clogging, my eyes itching, and various fluids seeping out of my nostrils during the Spring season. Usually, my perpetual state of congestion results in a nasty summer cold that plagues me for months, but I have avoided becoming sick for the past couple of years. I promise to you here and now that this year will be no different!

I love the spring, however, because of new seasons of my favorite television shows! The new season of Lost, that hopefully will not suck like last year, will begin. I am hopeful that things will turn out to be better this season, as last season was a sore disappointment. I am excited about Heroes, more House, American Idol, and What Not to Wear.

The one I am most excited about is the final season of the greatest show on television: Battlestar Galactica. I just (today) purchased the first half of season 4 of Battlestar Galactica, complete with character booklet, the season opener (Razor), and the official Starbuck dog tags. I may or may not have enough time to do a marathon viewing of all the episodes before the new season starts, but regardless, this season promises to be the best way to spend Friday night!

What shows are you looking forward to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Battlestar Galactica this Friday! Woo hoo! I may need to wear the Starbuck dog tags to show my support.