Let's go somewhere unmusical for a second.
Anyway. Pet peeve.
Vanity plates. I think they're cool. I think they're very cool, indeed. However, if it is not obvious with a few moments of contemplation what your vanity plate means, then ex-nay on the oke-jay. It's not funny or amusing or even fun if no one else on the road can understand your coded message.
Inside jokes are included in this rant. If only a small group of people are going to get your license plate, that group had better be tailgating you every time you leave your house. I don't see the point in this case.
Rant over. Music next time.
every comment i had come up with, i had to delete. know that this was a much appreciated laugh.
I couldn't agree more!
Haha! It drives me crazy when I can't figure out a license plate OR when people put their initials on their plate. Nobody cares about your initials unless it spells out something funny.
I have a vanity plate.
::walks away ashamed::
Eat The Kids First?????
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