Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a break during spring, part eye eye

I know God says not to worry about the future, but I tend to ignore him on that regard. Money sucks.

Today I was brushed with a cold (well, let's call it lukewarm) dose of reality. Nothing horrible happened, just a great conversation over lunch with the one of my greatest mentors, advisors, and now, friends, plus a bit of prodding from the Lord about the future. Thinking about huge financial commitments like, uh, houses and other things tend to make me feel small. While I am enjoying the "simplicity" of being a college student, I was looking forward to those days being over, until now. Today, I had my first ever feeling of "Please don't let me grow up".

It faded away pretty quickly, as I began to reflect on the amazing surprises God has in store for me down the road. I can't even comprehend them; if you would have asked me, even four or five years ago if I would have known where I'd be right now, I would have laughed in your face. And then thrown stuff at you. At then ran. And laughed some more.

If you're the praying kind, pray for a job to come.


Brian Miller said...

good luck with the job search, its a tough market out there. trust me i know. : ) the amazing thing is, we have a God who works on a total different economy. big life decisions can be scary, stay true.

Anonymous said...

I also knew you would do great things but I also agree in that I wasn't sure where exactly you would be. Keep fighting the good fight, bro!