On Friday I was blessed beyond infinite measure by being introduced to the girl of my dreams. I've been wanting to meet this girl in person for . . . well . . . years, actually. She is everything I dreamed she would be: she has a great body and her voice is simply to die for.

I'm talking of course of my brand spankin' new black on black Fender 1972 Reissue Deluxe Telecaster. I've been eyeing this one for a while. My parents surprised me with an early birthday present on Friday afternoon, and I've pretty fixated on her. I have dubbed her Ginny, after my favorite character in the Harry Potter books - a bit nerdy I know, but I've already been told that I will never be able to name any child of mine this lovely name, so I'm using it here. She is everything I hoped she would be: a nice chimey, Tele twang but with the nice low end provided by the humbuckers equals Mike's dream girl.
She made her live debut today at all 4 Waters Edge services, and I beat her up already. She performed phenomenally, giving me exactly the sound I was looking for, and not to snub my other lady friend, Laura, the only thing I missed was the whammy bar.
I am going to want to spend some quality time with her now that we've had our first date, and this week is perfect timing, as spring break starts for ODU tomorrow. I may not be reachable over the next few days. There will be a tie on the door.
Good form sir. *golf clap*
tie on the door..priceless.
sounds like your relationship is starting tremendously. i usually like the ladies without a whammy bar.
I still can't believe mom put a tie on Tim's door on Christmas Eve.....
I'm so happy that you have Ginny now. I know how much (and how long) you've been wanting her...and I'm not jealous in the least!
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